

Well, well, well, if it isn't the year 2010!
So I have high hopes for this New Year. The good old chalkboard is chock-full (pun intended) of to-do options for '10. Unfortunately, I'm still working out the kinks—first resolution: make resolutions. At this rate, I'm thinking my redesigned life will start sometime in February. I have a lot of the usual goals in mind, things dealing with health, finances and organization but I thought I'd share a few things that I am thinking of implementing in my new life that I am REALLY looking forward to.
#1- Sleeping more
#2- Less multi-tasking
#3- Getting dressed EVERY morning (the real reason I'm putting the resolution task off until February)
What do you think? I threw an ambitious one in there for you with #3. Another ambitious—although unrealistic—goal I have for this year is to become a roller derby doll...I should probably invest in some skates first though. Happy Twenty Ten!


Katie said...

You go girl! My big goals are learning spanish and running at 10K at the end of May. Can I do it? Only time will tell.

Emily said...

I think those are very realistic goals! I love the roller derby doll one! What name could you come up with?--you should put it to vote on your blog! You are so awesome.

Jonny said...

You are the most awesome girl ever invented!!! I love everything about you!!!

Lis Wing said...

All very good goals, I must say. You've had a great year as far as creativity goes in '09. I can't wait to see what you'll do next... (hopefully wear glitter and hot pants while rolling around a rink smashing anything that gets in your way!) That's roller derby right? I could be thinking of something totally wrong. Ha Ha

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

I want to do all these things. Particularly the sleeping more. Good idea.

The Nevada Neibaur's said...

Sometimes it's so cozy to just clean, cook in p.j.'s.
I'm right there with you about making it a goal to get dressed. :) Happy 2010!!!

Heart Charlie said...

You can do it all!!! You have to do the roller derby and post some photos of the progression!

Gonzo's Chicken said...

I thought I ought to tell you, Hallmark is having a card-making contest with a hefty cash prize and the possibility of seeing your stuff on their shelves.

Enter! Enter! Enter!

Gage said...

i hear ya on number 3... getting dressed before noon is a real challenge for me, lol :) love your blog, very creative!

Natalia said...

You guys are too awesome for words...I'm loving the roller derby related suggestions...I just might, I just might!