Only 4 months behind schedule I decided to put forth the effort to make Avis' birth announcement and send them off to long-distance loved ones. The upside to waiting until a babys four month birthday to send announcements is that they can really grin it up for a photo. To be perfectly honest I didn’t really care how late these were as long as they got done at all so somewhere down the road Avi isn’t looking at his older brother’s announcement of arrival, wondering what happened to his.

For quite some time I have had a little crush on the Matryoshka or Russian nesting doll for their nostalgia-meets-kitsch image. It was because of this crush I thought it would be fun to hand illustrate our family in nesting doll form for Avis’ announcement.

From the illustration I was able to hand print each card using a
gocco printer causing no one card to be exactly alike. It is two-color, double sided and although it folds like a card, by sealing the open end with a clear mailing seal I was able to avoid envelopes and send it like a postcard.

Hope you enjoy!